Partnership Working
Working with Local Authorities, The NHS, Care Providers, Housing Providers and Investors

ESG Investment Model
Successful track record of ESG Investments for Investors and Institutional Funds

Social Impact
Storm works with a diverse range of partners across the Social Impact space

Homes Developed

Vulnerable residents housed

Local Authority Delivery Partners

Storm Property is a social impact company that focuses on developments that make a difference. All of Storm’s developments are bespoke to meet the needs of the residents. Storm works in partnerships with the operators and local authority to ensure that all schemes are appropriately designed and meet the local need.
We have created a well-defined, consistent approach to development that has delivered attractive returns for our partners across different sectors of the property industry. Our mixed use schemes aim to deliver affordable housing for the local population as well as commercial space, generating employment in areas that are in need of regeneration. Storm creates well thought out, sustainable buildings that will stand the test of time.
Storm’s intending Registered Provider “Storm Housing Group” also develops and manages general needs social housing including affordable rent and shared ownership.
Storm Property partners with people all the way through the supply chain, ensuring maximum benefits for all parties:

Children’s Services Providers
Storm works alongside Children's Services Providers to provide bespoke homes for children and young people who have experienced neglect, abuse and trauma. We can provide any type of property to meet specific requirements however we tend to find that small, family style homes best meet the needs of the children.

Local authorities
Storm works in partnerships with local authorities to:
- Deliver affordable housing;
- Redevelop areas in need of regeneration; and
- Create bespoke accommodation for supported housing and extracare schemes.

Storm helps landowners by maximising the value on their land by:
- Working as a joint venture partner; or
- Buying their sites for the best price.

Storm Partners with RPs to:
- Provide turnkey affordable housing;
- Purchase unused stock; and
- Management partners to deliver Storm’s affordable housing stock.

Storm will help operators find the best sites to run their business:
Storm works with: Care providers, Charities, Housing Providers, or any operators trying to run a service for a social good.

NHS & Clinical Commissioning Groups
Storm work with the NHS to source, develop and acquire a number of property requirements including:
- Mental Health Crisis Centres
- Step Down facilities
- Primary care
- Medical centres
- Key worker accommodation

Storm partners with housebuilders by:
- Unlocking stalled sites by offering the best prices on S106 stock; and
- Working as a joint venture partner to maximise value on existing sites.

Storm works with private equity & institutional investors to develop and execute investment strategies with a specific focus, customised to their needs.

Architects & Property Consultants
Storm have partnered with a number of the leading sector specific consultants and design teams across all sectors to ensure that any projects are appropriately appraised and designed by the experts in that field, ensuring only the highest quality projects that meet the needs of all parties.